Make calls over the internet. Reduced call rates. Increased capacity
VoIP is also called Voice over Internet Protocol (IP). It simply means sending voice calls over the Internet as opposed to traditional telephone lines. For the user it feels exactly the same as making a conventional call.
Transmitting voice over the Internet is almost equivalent to sending any other data over the Internet. No matter where you or the dialled party are, Solutioncoms Voice can connect you affordably.
We have direct connection agreements with other telephony service providers. You therefore receive reduced call rates which in turn save you money on your overall telephony costs.
Why Choose VoIP
Important Features
Scalability and Mobility
You can make or receive calls from anywhere, provided you have an Internet connection and more than one phone call can be transmitted over one broadband line. Additional call capacity can be added by increasing the size of the Internet line.
Number Porting
You can port your current number from any network to Solutioncoms Voice and numbers are issued for life, no matter the company that is supplying your connectivity.
Call Rates and Capacity
You get per second billing and you can increase and decrease telephony capacity by using software and bandwidth.